"Education is the best service to humanity" & the one who provides this to the nation selflessly need to be identified & acknowledged to make people aware of the existence of such a role model.
Mrs. Nirmala Bhasker, the women behind NGI, is truly an ikon for the education Industry.
The woman who made all the difference started it when she saw the children around.
She realized that countryis going to be developed as an illiterate society.
It was she, who visioned to create leaders of tomorrow to paint a brighter picture of india. But it was only in the year 2001, that her vision took a physical shape in the Firm of KT, the very first step towards an intellectual India.
In tune with time, NGI launched another venture, their nostalgia in the fields of Medical & Engineering. With its pioneer & concrete efforts NGI, has now launched Edify, which is an onset on learning & has activated another step towards brilliance.
Nirmal Educational Trust of Institution is a pioneer since its inception.
NGI truly believes in the concept of "Shramam Vina Na Sadhyam" i.e nothing can be achieved without genuine efforts & the whole world has begun to glow with the light of literacy radiated by the NGI society.